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ARM Enabling your Application

Enabling your app ro run in Application Reliability Management mode

In order to have your Java applications to be analyzed by Race Catcher™ they need to be started

in ARM Enabled mode.  You can use the "jta" convenient scripts or their expanded versions as provided below in the following examples:


To enable Analysis of Race Conditions:         


Instead of java use jta

i.e. instead of java -jar myapp.jar use jta -jar myapp.jar


Expanded into command line "jta" scripts are seen below:


The arguments to VM from this scripts shoul be used to ARM-Enable projects that are run within Eclipse or NetBeans or  within any other script.


Note: The scripts below assume that the installation folder is "Program Files\ThinkingSoftware\SUM4JTA"












Run ARM Enabled Processes from Eclipse

Expanded into command line "jta" script  is seen below:

Note: The scripts below assume that the installation folder in Windows is "Program Files\ThinkingSoftware\RaceCatcher"



java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -javaagent:"C:\Program Files\ThinkingSoftware\RaceCatcher\lib\RaceCatcher.jar" -jar your.jar


java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -javaagent:/home/<user name>/ThinkingSoftware/RaceCatcher/lib/RaceCatcher.jar -jar your.jar


java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -javaagent:/Users/<user name>/ThinkingSoftware/RaceCatcher/lib/RaceCatcher.jar -jar your.jar

Run ARM Enabled processes from NetBeans


To Run ARM Enabled projects from within NetBeans add the JVM parameters to the VM Options: field of the panel of theRun options of the Project Properties panel, as seen below. (MAC installation folders example)

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