System Requirements
Please note, that the system requirements refer to the User Interface, necessary for visualizing the analysis results.
The analysis itself (i.e. the java agent) requires only that the byte code is run by a JVM.
When the Race Catcher agent is running on a machine other than the one that is visualizing the results, like in case of multiple agents communicating their results to an Enterprise Edition UI, only that UI machine OS would need to conform to the following system requirements.
The User Interface includes some of the native code components and will successfully run on the following
Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 32 bits, 64 bits
Linux: CentOS, Ubuntu, 32 bits, 64 bits
Macintosh: OS X 64bits
JRE 1.6 and higher
Windows Installation
Windows 8: right click on the file install_race_catcher.exe, choose properties, compatability tab. On "Run this program in compatability mode for", select Windows 7
Windows 7, and older versions: Double-click on the file install_race_catcher.exe
Start the UI:
Start -> All Programs -> Thinking Software -> Race Catcher
Activate License under Licensing
You may need to install a Java virtual machine. You can download one from:
Mac Installation
After downloading zip file:
unzip the file
start new terminal shell
change directory to the folder created by the unzip
at the prompt, type:
sh ./install.bash
Configure Nodemanager to start on login
System Preferences -> Users and Groups -> Login Items
Click the "+" to add and item
Navigate to:
Start the UI:
Activate License
Test after activating license:
cd ~/tsi/SUM4JTA/demo/jarFiles
jta -jar r27.jar
You may need to install a Java virtual machine. You can download one from:
Linux Installation
Installation with GUI:
Note: there are separate installers for the GUI installer and Console installer. Make sure you are using the correct installation file.
After downloading:
Open a shell
cd to directory where you downloaded the installer
at the prompt, type:
sh ./install_race_catcher.bin
Start the UI:
Activate License: follow the UI prompts
Installation in console mode:
Note: there are separate installers for the GUI installer and Console installer. Make sure you are using the correct installation file.
After downloading zip file:
unzip file
open a shell
cd to directory where you unzipped the installer
at the prompt, type:
sh ./install.bash
Activate License
Configure Nodemanager as a service:
at the prompt type:
sudo ./install_service.bash install <username>
where <username> is the user that will run the Nodemanager
Run Nodemanager from the command line:
at the prompt type:
You may need to install a Java virtual machine. You can download one from:
HP-Coud Installation
Race Catcher is available as a pre-configured HP Cloud Image that can be used as a stand-alone workstation instance or an Enterprise Edition aggregator.
Before proceeding, make sure to setup a Keypair, Security Group (that allows Windows RDP Access) and Network. See the HP Cloud documentation for more information.
Managing Keypairs
Managing Security Group
Understanding HP Cloud Networks
Provision Server using HP Cloud Horizon Console
Log in to the HP Cloud Horizon Console
Select Project on the left navigation bar
Select Instances
Click "+ Launch Instance"
Set Parameters in the dialog
Availability Zone: Any Availability Zone
Instance Name: <Any Name>
Flavor: <standard.small or larger>Windows will not run in an xsmall instance
Instance Count: 1
Instance Boot Source: Boot from image
Image Name: Thinking Software Race Catcher-v4.0.10 - Partner Image
Access & Security:
Select a keypair from the list
Security Groups
Select the appropriate groups
Make sure you allow RDP (port 3389) access in one of the selected security groups.
Select an available network and ensure it is in the "Select Networks"
Click Launch
Install License
The following dialog appears when you first start UI using the command "sumui".
It is also accessible from the menu Help - > License - > Verify License
To enter the license parameters you receive on email select Help - > License - > License Server Configuration
Running SUM-Enabled Java Process
In order to have your Java applications to be analyzed by Race Catcher they need to be started in SUM-Enabled mode. You can use the "jta" convenient scripts or their expanded versions as provided below in the following examples:
To enable Analysis of Race Conditions:
Instead of java use jta :
i.e. instead of java -jar myapp.jar use jta -jar myapp.jar
Expanded into command line "jta" scripts are seen below:
The arguments to VM from this scripts shoul be used to SUM-Enable projects that are run within Eclipse or NetBeans or within any other script.
Note: The scripts below assume that the installation folder is "Program Files\ThinkingSoftware\SUM4JTA"
Run SUM-Enabled processes from NetBeans
To Run SUM Enabled projects from within NetBeans add the JVM parameters to the VM Options: field of the panel of theRun options of the Project Properties panel, as seen below.
Run SUM-Enabled Processes from Eclipse
To Run SUM Enabled projects from within Eclipse add the JVM parameters to the VM arguments
edit launch configuration properties panel, as seen below.
Save the settings with OK button.
This project is now SUM-Enabled.
When it will be executed, it will be studied by Race Catcher and the entry in the Race Catcher UI will be created.
If races or deadlocks will be experienced, the corresponding entries in the Race Catcher UI will point to the automatically analysed issues.
Expanded into command line "jta" script is seen below:
Note: The scripts below assume that the installation folder in Windows is "Program Files\ThinkingSoftware\SUM4JTA"
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -javaagent:"C:\Program Files\Thinking Software\SUM4JTA\lib\SUM4JTA.jar" -jar your.jar
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -javaagent:/home/<user name>/tsi/SUM4JTA/lib/SUM4JTA.jar -jar your.jar
Get your Administrator Password
Go to Instances on the Left Navigation menu
Click "More" next to the instance you just created
Select "Retrieve Windows Password"
Paste your private key from the Keypair into the dialog box. Enter the Key Password if needed.
Click "Retrieve Windows Password"
Make note of the password.
Using Remote Desktop connect to the Floating IP above:
Windows: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection
Mac: Use CoRD or Microsoft Remote Desktop
HP Cloud will provision and boot a new Windows installed with Race Catcher pre-installed. To log in you need to attach a floating IP address and get your initial password.
Attach a Floating IP address to the new HP Cloud Instance
Go to Access and Security in the Left Navigation menu
Select "Floating IPs from the top menus
Click Associate for the IP that will be used for public access
In the "Port to be associated" drop-down select the newly created instance.
Click Associate
Note.1: Before reinstalling or removing the previous installation of Race Catcher, and in case you would want to preserve the ROLs and projects built with your previous installation, copy your sum4jta\sum_kb folder to different location. You can also run "Backup and Reset Knowledge Base" from User Interface Tools menu.
Start installation by click on install_race_catcher.exe (Windows) or running the script install_race_catcher.bin (Linux) and follow the instructions. After successful installation run the samples provided in the topic Race Condition Demonstration.